
Working Papers

  • Alfonzetti, G., Bellio R., (2025+). Scalable inference via averaged Robbins-Monro bootstrap.

Articles in refereed journals

  • Alfonzetti, G., Bellio, R., Chen, Y., Moustaki, I., (2025). Pairwise stochastic approximation for confirmatory factor analysis of categorical data

    British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology.

  • Alfonzetti, G., Bellio, R., Chen, Y., Moustaki, I., (2025). When Composite Likelihood meets Stochastic Approximation

    Journal of the American Statistical Association.

Publications in monographs

  • Alfonzetti, G., Rossi, L., Zorzetto, D., Mealli, F. (2025). Model Free Estimation of Causal Effects of Different Stimuli on Neuron Activities. In Advances in Neural Data Science (Canale, A., Luati, A., Mazzuco, S., Piccarreta, R., Sartori, N., Secchi, P., editors). Springer.



  • Alfonzetti, G., Bellio, R., (2024). Scalable bootstrap inference via averaged Robbins-Monro approximations.

    Proceedings of the Statistics and Data Science 2024 Conference.


  • Alfonzetti, G., Grassetti, L., Rizzi, L., (2023). Propensity towards master’s degree: choices of northern students after bas?

    Book of short papers of the 14th Scientific Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group.

  • Alfonzetti, G., Bellio, R., Chen, Y., Moustaki, I., (2023). Efficient stochastic learning of graphical structures for large-scale mixed data surveys.

    Proceedings of the 37th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling.


  • Alfonzetti, G., Bellio, R. (2022). Reliable generalized linear latent variable models estimation via simulated maximum likelihood.

    Proceedings of the 36th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling.

  • Alfonzetti, G., Bellio, R. (2022). Some advances on pairwise likelihood estimation in ordinal data latent variable models.

    Book of Short Papers SIS2022.


  • Alfonzetti, G., Rizzi, L., Grassetti, L., Gobbato, M. (2019). Observed expenditures vs estimated burden of health care: a comparative evaluation based on spatial analysis.

    Book of Short Papers ASA2019.